Is ChatGPT coming for your job?

Long story short: No.

In the cybernetic dawn of November 2022, the digital realm was abuzz with the anticipated release of ChatGPT. Its remarkable test scores ranged from acing high school evaluations to top marks in the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam and the bar exam. This ignited a wave of anxiety, with many fearing for the future of several professional roles.

However, if you've sensed the initial uproar calming down, let me reassure you: ChatGPT isn't poised to take over your profession.

But why isn't it? Given its astounding capabilities—from predicting the next word, to excelling in written exams, and swiftly generating and editing code—it's a marvel of modern technology.

Yet, a crucial distinction is often overlooked: ChatGPT isn't human. It lacks the fundamental human experience, particularly an understanding of the tangible world. Basic physics and social interactions, which are instinctive to us, remain challenging concepts for ChatGPT.

Skeptical? Let's explore a snippet of the research.

In July 2023, Taylor Webb, a psychologist from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his team published a study assessing GPT-3 and GPT-4's performance on various analogical tests. As expected, both models showcased exceptional analytical skills.

But what implications does this hold? These tests are inherently human-centric. When humans excel, it typically indicates a profound grasp of the subject. Yet, with ChatGPT, which is trained on extensive internet data, can we make the same inference about genuine understanding?

In conclusion, while the advancements in AI, exemplified by ChatGPT, are undeniably groundbreaking, it's crucial to recognize the boundaries of such technologies. Their prowess in analogical reasoning is commendable, but the absence of genuine human understanding and experiences underscores their limitations. So, while we marvel at these technological wonders, it's reassuring to know that the irreplaceable nuances of human intuition, empathy, and worldly understanding remain unmatched. What are your thoughts on the evolving role of AI in our society? Let's foster a dialogue.

Happy coding :p