Imposter syndrome

Programmers edition

Now, this might not be relatable to everyone, but does anyone else ever feel like they don't know enough? Like when I finish a small project--something that took hours, a bit of creativity, fine-tuning, some frustration, and the 'coder's high'--it just doesn't seem like enough. And when I'm learning something new, and it takes me forever to figure it out, but then I implement it in my program, and it turns out to be simpler than I thought. Or when I'm watching a tutorial, and the person teaching it is breezing through it, but I'm stuck. Have you ever wished you could instantly understand something and become an expert? I know the it's unrealistic, and these experiences are just part of the process, but still.

Anyway, such is the life of a programmer, I guess.

But before we end, let's put a positive spin on this. First of all, by voicing my imposter syndrome, I hope to #validate anyone else who is also on this struggle bus. A little imposter syndrome can serve as motivation to keep learning, especially on those unmotivated days.

Happy coding :p